Battle Shock

Check out Luna Sea Games to see the iPhone version of Battle Shock in the AppStore now.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

burning on both ends

Whenever my life gets busy, for some reason I take on more. No telling why. Got home, ate dinner, and worked till 1:30 on the port. But enough about me.

I tracked down the bug causing guys to get hung up in the corner. I also locked the orientation in portrait mode. This was needed. A small orientation change would issue a pause and resume and cause a reload of assets.

The most exciting development last night was the discovery of deviceanywhere. They have a large suite of mobile phones that are all wired up for a kind of remote desktop control. So you can upload your application to a real device, not a simulator - and perform automated tests. Very exciting! They even seem to be reasonably priced. If you are a one man show like me, be sure to check out their discounted rates for Independent Developers.

I was able to upload BattleShock.apk to a Droid phone in their cloud and run the application - and it worked! Unfortunately I still hadn't solved the deployment of the sprites from the package to a dir on the /sdcard so there were no graphics. So I decided to implement the simplest thing first - I copied all the assets from the internal package to the /sdcard/BattleShock dir. This is by far the simplest to implement and debug. Here's some discussions that were very helpful.

I also took the time to reduce all the audio assets to 8 bit wav and 48kbs mp3. This makes for a much smaller apk and improves turnaround time when developing. Highly recommend it.

And so, after getting the assets unpacking correctly I deployed the new app to the cloud... where it crashed. Bummer. Now I want to know if I can remotely debug. Though I can't even debug locally, at least I get a callstack. I think I will have to resort to a good old local text log file - printf debugging ahoy!

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